As we continue to grow our community, we want to invite you to join the movement toward a new way of thinking about leadership. Our book offers practical solutions and insights for creating purposeful change and constructive culture in your organization.
The seven leadership lessons I learnt from my newly met African friends
Edition 12
Greetings to all! The Eleventh Edition - Welcoming Autumn and the Continuation of Reimagining Leadership. I hope this message finds you rejuvenated from a well-deserved summer break, full of fond memories and fresh perspectives. Over the summer, I was fortunate to meet some great leaders from a progressive African nation where we discussed culture, leadership, and team dynamics. These interactions led me into rich, diverse, and incredibly enlightening discussions that painted a more intricate picture of leadership in various cultural contexts. Below are seven key lessons that stood out from my comparisons between an “African leadership” and culture with those
Are You Harnessing the Full Potential of Your Team? Discover the Power of Effective Team Dynamics
Edition 11
Dear Readers, Welcome to the 11th edition of our newsletter, hashtag#ReimaginingLeadership, In this issue, we explore Chapter 5: "Assessing Team Performance through hashtag#teamdynamics," which discusses the critical components of successful teams: hashtag#collaboration, hashtag#communication, hashtag#decisionmaking, and hashtag#conflictresolution. Collaboration is the foundation of high-performing teams, relying on cohesive teamwork to achieve shared objectives. A successful collaboration platform fosters trust, support, and mutual respect. For example, a marketing team with diverse skills can work together towards a successful product launch by setting clear expectations, roles, and responsibilities while encouraging open and honest feedback. Communication is crucial for effective teams, involving clear and precise

“Resilience: The Unbeatable Skill for the Future Workforce. How are You Equipping Your Team to Thrive?”
Edition 10
While reading the recent Future of Jobs Report 2023 published by the World Economic Forum, I came across a notable finding. According to the report, Resilience, Flexibility, and Agility have emerged as the third most crucial core skills for workers. A staggering 65.8% of organizations surveyed expressed their belief in the increased significance of these skills. Additionally, the report highlighted that these attributes rank as the fifth most important skills to reskill the workforce for 2027. However, it is essential to acknowledge that resilience, flexibility, and agility are attitudes that can be challenging to train and reskill in individuals. This
“Is Poor Communication Hurting Your Team’s Performance? Ways to Improve Today”
Edition 9
Effective communication is not just important, it is fundamental to the success of teams and organizations. It is the foundation upon which collaboration, conflict resolution, decision-making, and overall team performance are built. In fact, did you know that poor communication is responsible for a staggering 70% of corporate errors? This highlights the critical role it plays in leadership and team success. In addition, The word "communication" is mentioned a whopping 333 times in the book "Reimagining Leadership," underscoring the importance of this skill for anyone in a leadership role. So how do we achieve optimal team performance? This article provides

Books are now available on “”
Edition 8
For all the readers in the GCC and Levant regions, we are pleased to announce that the much-awaited book, "Reimagining Leadership," is finally available for purchase as hard cover or paperback on The book offers a refreshing perspective on leadership and is a must-read for anyone seeking to build a successful team and company for the long term. In addition to being available on, the book can now be shipped directly to your doorstep in the GCC and Levant regions out of the UAE. We are also excited to announce a limited-time promotion code of "booklaunch" that offers